bmp in action on a corporate volunteer mission

500 new trees
in Forstenrieder Park!

The concept

We honoured our promise and carried out a special tree planting campaign, together with the organization Bergwaldprojekt e. V., as a way of saying thank you for a successful E-world 2023. In doing so, we wanted to make a small, but significant, contribution to environmental protection.

Our motivation: For each permission, we will plant a tree and thereby double the contribution to climate protection!

bmp greengas | Illustration Baumpflanzaktion
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The project

Our mission

For our tree planting campaign, we took a break from our usual activities and spent an extraordinary day working together in Forstenrieder Park. We planted around 550 European beeches there, together with a forest ranger and the Bergwaldprojekt e. V. team.

European beeches play a crucial role in the water cycle and for the climate. Their dense canopy provides shade and creates a protected zone for numerous animal species. The beech trees’ foliage contributes to humus formation and increases the soil fertility and water storage capacity of the forest. Therefore beech trees are more than just lovely trees – they’re the architects of the forest.

Naturally, we captured our campaign by taking pictures. You can see the results here!

bmp greengas | Grafik Berge Outlines

We’re also continuing our commitment to the environment