bmp greengas and OrangeGas join forces to provide green mobility

Munich, 21. February 2022. To create a clear boost for climate-friendly mobility with Bio-CNG, OrangeGas Germany, the German market leader in CNG service stations, and bmp greengas, Europe’s leading biomethane marketer, have signed a delivery contract for all of OrangeGas’s approximately 120 service stations in Germany. The goal is to encourage more fleets, transport and logistics companies to switch to renewable Bio-CNG by offering marketable prices and suitable infrastructure. Biomethane from agricultural residual and waste materials is an important component for climate-neutral mobility.

Around 20 percent of global CO2 emissions are attributed to the transport sector; as part of traffic, transport and logistics are considered to be particularly polluting. This can be easily, economically and significantly reduced by using Bio-CNG. A major role plays biomethane from residual and waste materials: Depending on the substrate from which the gas is produced, its emission is zero – or even climate-positive, when using liquid manure for example.

„Bio-CNG is the fastest and most practical path to climate-neutral mobility“, says Johan Bloemsma, Head of OrangeGas Germany. „This allows CO2emissions to be reduced by up to 90 percent immediately. That’s why we provide 100 percent advanced biofuels from agricultural residues and waste to our customers.“ OrangeGas is on a sustainable growth path with increasing sales figures, he adds. „Interest in CNG powered mobility in the transport industry is currently growing significantly,” reports Bloemsma. „In 2022, OrangeGas procures the required biomethane for the service stations via bmp greengas and utilizes the experts’ balancing group management, verification and transport management.“

Stefan Schneider, Managing Director of bmp greengas, adds: „Whether this means increased CO2reduction effects or economic advantages due to the greenhouse gas reduction quota, the CO2price, and various other political framework conditions: Biomethane has all arguments on its side.“