Corporate Compliance bmp greengas

The public image of a company depends crucially on the behaviour of each individual. It is essential for the trust of our customers and business partners to ensure that all employees act lawfully and responsibly. Compliance is about adhering to legal regulations and internal company guidelines. This area has become considerably more important in recent years. The reputation and economic success of a company can be severely damaged by compliance violations. A risk-oriented and preventive compliance strategy is therefore more important today than ever before. bmp greengas is therefore part of the EnBW Group’s compliance organisation.

1. Compliance Definition

Adherence to legal provisions and internal guidelines is also referred to as “compliance”, which can simply be translated as “adherence to rules”. Compliance is an essential prerequisite for the success of our company.

2. Complaints procedure for reporting suspected cases and violations

There are various channels for reporting compliance violations or suspected cases (e.g. white-collar crime, human rights or environmental violations) in order to identify potential misconduct and avert associated damage to individuals and third parties at an early stage.

bmp greengas participates in the complaints procedure and whistleblower system of EnBW (Energie Baden Württemberg AG), where information on potential misconduct in the business area and in the supply chain can be reported. The channels can be used by both internal and external persons.

EnBW’s regulations define clear responsibilities and processes for clarifying compliance violations, guarantee confidentiality and offer the greatest possible protection for all parties involved. EnBW’s rules of procedure describe the EnBW Group’s complaints procedure and offer the potential whistleblower transparency regarding the handling of their complaint

The whistleblower has the option of submitting their report in various languages and also anonymously via a confidential and protected system. The content of the complaint is processed exclusively by EnBW.

Complaints to the Ombudsman:

Rechtsanwalt Thomas C. Knierim
Knierim & Kollegen Rechtsanwälte
Phone: +49 6131 906 55 00
Fax: +49 6131 906 55 99
Gutenbergplatz 12
55116 Mainz

EnBW’s ombudsman is bound to professional discretion. He can thus guarantee confidentiality and complete anonymity.

Further information on compliance and EnBW’s whistleblower system can be found at Compliance – Code of Conduct | EnBW.