
Certification according to REDcert

1. What is REDcert?

REDcert is a certification system for biomass produced in Germany and Europe that is recognised by the European Union and the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food (BLE). With a REDcert certificate, companies demonstrate that their biomethane production or its use as fuel or electricity is sustainable in accordance with EU requirements. In Germany, these requirements are legally defined in the Biofuel and Biomass Electricity Sustainability Ordinance (Biokraft-NachV and BioSt-NachV).

2. Is REDcert certification necessary?

Sustainability certification is already a prerequisite for the use of biomethane as a fuel. For heat and electricity, corresponding proof will be required at the latest when the EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) comes into force. We therefore recommend to deal with a possible certification at an early stage and to take the necessary steps. We will be happy to support you in this.

3. What are the opportunities offered by certification?

Especially in economically attractive areas such as the fuel, electricity and heating markets, we are seeing increasing demand for certified biomethane. This development will continue. The reason for this is the current legal situation and that already initiated by the EU, which provides for certification obligations or levies for non-certified biomethane for various areas of application.

With certification, you as a plant operator are already setting the course for a better market position in the future, especially in higher-value markets such as the fuel market. At the same time, you benefit from the experience gained from the certification process and build up valuable know-how in this area through extensive analysis, preparation and, if necessary, optimisation.

4. Where can you get certified?

REDcert certification is carried out by an independent certification body. However, as your partner for biomethane, we will be happy to support you in your certification process. If you are unsure whether this step is worthwhile for you or if you have any further questions, please contact your personal bmp contact person at any time!

5. What criteria must be met?

Various requirements are placed on the operation in terms of sustainability. In the course of certification, greenhouse gas emissions are determined along the entire value chain. This determines the value of the gas and is therefore decisive for later marketing. Sustainable cultivation and the use of the respective input material (biomass types) play a central role in the resulting GHG value. For the fuel sector, the specific requirements are laid down in the BiokraftNachV.

6. How does the certification process work?

To obtain certification according to REDcert, you must first register with REDcert and contact a suitable certification agency. The initial certification then consists of an analysis of the input materials used or planned, conclusion of a contract, data compilation, certification audit and, if necessary, optimisation measures and follow-up checks. This process takes about 3 to 4 months in total, depending on the scope. Most of the time is spent on the preparation of the audit. This lead time can usually be reduced by careful planning. We are happy to support you in this. The audit on your plant itself usually takes only 1 to 3 days.

Important: In order to be able to complete the certification by the introduction of the CO₂ levy in Germany on 01.01.2021, plant operators should allow sufficient time for the extensive document procurement and possible optimisation measures. In addition, the limited number of auditors and an increasing demand may lead to delays. We therefore recommend starting certification as early as possible.

7. What is the effort involved in certification?

In the 3 to 4-month process, most of the time is spent on preparing for the initial certification. In addition to the procurement of important documents such as the required manual, GHG calculation and farmers’ self-declarations on the sustainability of the biomass supplied, training must also be attended, batch management introduced and contracts provided. We are happy to advise and support you to make your work easier. Once the initial certification has been successfully completed, random checks are carried out annually.

By the way: As bmp greengas, we also accept your certified biomethane and take care of marketing!