Power generation in CHPs

Under power!
EEG electricity generation with biomethane.

The use of biomethane in combined electricity and heat generation is one of the most efficient and eco-friendly technology options. That is why combined heat and power (CHP) and gas plants are increasingly using green gas for power generation. Even if you are operating an older combined heat and power plant (CHP), switching to biomethane can be more economical than operating it with natural gas.

bmp greengas | Icon Blitz für Strom

The use of biomethane in combined electricity and heat generation is one of the most efficient and eco-friendly technology options. That is why combined heat and power (CHP) and gas plants are increasingly using green gas for power generation. Even if you are operating an older combined heat and power plant (CHP), switching to biomethane can be more economical than operating it with natural gas.

bmp greengas | Icon Strom

Entering the biogas world with EEG

As an operator, you will receive guaranteed compensation rates for electricity generation in accordance with the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG). The current EEG at the time of commissioning is decisive for the actual amount of the electricity remuneration. Electricity revenues can be further increased through the direct sale of electricity and use of the flexibility premium, rendering the substitution of fossil natural gas with renewable biomethane even more commercially interesting.

Not all biomethane is the same. Physically it is natural gas, and its quality and the associated EEG remuneration depend on its production and use.

A tenfold increase: Today, 9 TWh are produced in Germany each year. According to dena, by 2050 the amount could be more than 100 TWh.

All those who use EEG gases will enjoy guaranteed revenues. Long contract terms therefore ensure exceptional planning and price security, no risk with respect to fuel procurement and a large degree of independence from variable energy prices.

All those who use EEG gases will enjoy guaranteed revenues for 20 years. Long contract terms therefore ensure exceptional planning and price security, no risk with respect to fuel procurement and a large degree of independence from variable energy prices.

Your contact person

bmp greengas Team | Diego Radlmaier

Diego Radlmaier

Sales International
Phone: +49 89 309 05 87 490
E-Mail: d.radlmaier@bmp-greengas.de

Discover more areas of application for biomethane

bmp greengas | Icon Thermometer für Wärme


bmp greengas | Icon Tankstelle für Kraftstoff


bmp greengas | Icon Flamme für Industrie



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