
Renewable energy
with a future.

If you want to buy or sell biomethane in a targeted manner, we’re the partner for you. Our broad portfolio of different qualities enables us to find the right product for every customer. But what makes this green gas so future-proof, and how is it produced?

From biomass to biomethane. The term biomethane or bio natural gas refers to methane, which is of biogenic origin and a component of biogas. Biomethane is produced by processing raw biogas by means of CO2 separation and purification. Biomethane processed in this way can be fed directly into the natural gas grid and enables the decoupling of the place of gas production from the place of utilisation on the one hand, and the use of the gas network as a huge storage and transport medium on the other. 

In contrast to natural gas – which in Germany can only be produced in limited quantities due to inaccessible deposits – biomethane is a permanently available energy source. All that is needed to produce biogas and biomethane is biomass. This is produced, for example, from biogenic residues and waste products on farms or from renewable raw materials (NawaRo).

Biomethane as an all-rounder in the energy sector

There are many possible applications for biomethane, which protects the climate and resources. Biomethane, for example, is used for the production of electricity and heat. These are produced in combined heat and power plants (CHPPs) or in decentralized combined heat and power units (CHPUs). Biomethane is also ideal as a fuel for natural gas vehicles, as a natural gas substitute in natural gas burners for heat generation and as a raw material for the chemical industry.



Biomethane redefines sustainability

The climate and energy package adopted by the European Council and the amendment of the German Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) illustrate the positive aspects of biomethane as a future-oriented form of energy. 

Biomethane has clear advantages over other alternative energy technologies such as wind power and photovoltaics. It is independent of weather conditions such as sun or wind and therefore constant. In addition, it can be made available in any location. The prospects for biomethane as an energy source are very promising and it is one of the most sustainable and reliable energy suppliers on the market.

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