bmp takes on Corporate Social Responsibility

Together for the
Ronald McDonald House

The idea

For us, investing in the future means more than just working together for a CO₂-neutral and economical energy future with green gases. That’s why supporting disadvantaged children and their families in and around Munich is a personal matter to us.

We have a special friendship with the Ronald McDonald House at the German Heart Center.

bmp greengas | Ronald MCDonalds Kinderhilfe Illustration Haus
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The project

Our commitment

As the bmp team, we have already supported the Ronald McDonald House and its residents in every way possible: in 2019, we cooked a 3-course meal together for the families and in 2020 we cycled to a total donation of 800 euros on the SOLOcharity RideDuring the pandemic winter of 2021, our homemade Christmas cards and filled Christmas bags made eyes light up.

But no matter which action we plan each year: We are always committed with heart and soul. And it’s always a great feeling to be able to help the parents and their children!

By the way: We also keep you updated about our social commitment and current projects on our social media channels.